Where Are YOU Celebrated?

The last time most people were really celebrated was when the graduated from high school!  We live in a society now that celebrates pseudo celebrities for irrelevant achievements but ignore individuals who are actually making an impact on the world like Akon.  Click here to read a great story from theRoot.com on how Akon launched a Solar Academy that will supply electricity to 600,000,000 Africans. 

Watch the short video below to get your Friday Motivation!!!

The Law of Place
Place matters!!! 

You will succeed somewhere.  You will not succeed everywhere.  Have you found your Place? Somewhere…a territory has your name on it.  Somewhere!  Every territory is a reward from the seed of battle.  Battle is the seed for territorial order and possession. 

Go where you are CELEBRATED not TOLERATED!  Dr. Mike Murdock 7 Laws You Must Honor to Have Uncommon Success

Why Go Where You are Celebrated?
Many people are afraid to chase their goals and dreams because they have been surrounded by negative or small thinking individuals. Whether intentional or not people can drain you with their negative energy. After a while we begin giving away pieces of our integrity in order to get along with others.

“We must protect ourselves from being limited by those who care for us as much as by those who blatantly oppose us”.  Brendon Burchard The Motivation Manifesto

Was this video Helpful? Hope you enjoyed it!  Your family and friends are all on Social Media and most have will not be celebrated for their Greatness today, feel free to share this with them and comment below!  Let’s be Great today!

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PS: If reach back to me if you have any interest in working with me personally on a side project!


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