2017 Testimony
I normally don't post long statuses but someone may need my testimony. In 2016 Life punched me in the face and asked me "Do you really want to be Great or is that simply a cliche phrase you use on social media?". In 2016 I lost everything I valued including my job with a company I've worked for the last 10 years. I think about speaking at Valdosta State University hoping to motivate young men to chase their dreams a week after I had been laid off from my job. I remember standing on stage looking at the audience thinking who am I to tell these young men anything about success. Driving home I kept telling myself I will completely change my life in a year. I was not going to be defeated! I will not be a hypocrite! I can't motivate and inspire people to change their life while mine is in complete shambles. The last 5 months have been an incredible challenge and serious mental battle. My faith was tested daily and I had to constantly remind myself to Keep Fighting Tab