2017 Testimony

I normally don't post long statuses but someone may need my testimony. In 2016 Life punched me in the face and asked me "Do you really want to be Great or is that simply a cliche phrase you use on social media?". In 2016 I lost everything I valued including my job with a company I've worked for the last 10 years. I think about speaking at Valdosta State University hoping to motivate young men to chase their dreams a week after I had been laid off from my job. I remember standing on stage looking at the audience thinking who am I to tell these young men anything about success. Driving home I kept telling myself I will completely change my life in a year. I was not going to be defeated! I will not be a hypocrite! I can't motivate and inspire people to change their life while mine is in complete shambles. The last 5 months have been an incredible challenge and serious mental battle. My faith was tested daily and I had to constantly remind myself to Keep Fighting Tabious.

In November I received an email on LinkedIn from the President of a company within the medical industry asking would I be interested in a position they had. Of course I was interested and after two rounds of interviews I was asked to give a presentation of the company to the CEO, President, and VP of Sales! Some people believe in luck but luck is simply when preparation meets opportunity. I was prepared! All of the speeches, presentations, and videos I've done finally led to this opportunity to change my life. I was given a chance to use my gift!

Side note: I want you to remember that if you do not face the devil on your journey to success then you might be walking with him. The day of my presentation I was nervous and filled with anxiety. I only slept 3 hours the night before because I was up all night practicing. On my way to the office my car turned off on me TWICE while I was driving. In my mind nothing was going to stop me from getting that job. I prayed for traveling mercies and kept it moving. That day I gave the best speech/ presentation I had ever given. I did all I could do and left the rest in God's hands. I knew I had that job! You couldn't pay me to believe I did not get that job. A month went by and I never heard back from the VP of Sales. I didn't get the job. WOW! I was beyond disappointed. I did everything right and still did not get what I believed was mine!

Frustrated and a damn near depressed I kept fighting. I kept telling myself something better is coming. My persistence paid off because this past Friday I was offered another job with a different company with a SUBSTANTIAL increase in pay from my previous job.

I know it can be hard but we have to learn to trust God's plan and process even when we don't understand what's going on. There are times when God's destruction is needed to be able to build a solid foundation for the life you are destined to live. There will be pain and tears on your journey to discovering your gift and finding your greatness. There will be times when you want to give up. Please DO NOT give up. No matter who leaves you. No matter who walks away. No matter who doesn't believe in you. No matter what happens; never give up fighting for your gift and the life of your dreams!

2017 "The Year of Renewed Purpose"

Lets Be Great Today! #1Down


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