Don't You Dare Lose Faith!

We all have become witnesses to a terrible tragedy in Charleston, SC.  It is a scary feeling that a place of worship was attacked is such a viscous way.  I was enraged when I saw the news about this obvious sick person filled with hate walking into a church and taking the lives of 9 innocent people.  I could never imagine losing a loved one in that manner.  I kept thinking about the hurt and the pain everyone in that community must feel right now.  It brought tears to my eyes; when I saw 19 year old Chris Singleton, whose mother was one of the 9 people murdered, standing with his teammates and coaches from the Charleston Southern University baseball team say "I Forgive You". Faith gives you to strength to forgive.  Forgiveness is a powerful feeling not for the person you are forgiving but for yourself.  Let's be great today!  Let's have the Faith of Chris Singleton today!

"Love is ALWAYS stronger than hate." Chris Singleton

You can view Chris Singleton's interview HERE.

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