
Greatness 101: Create Solid Relationships

  Relationships are the glue that holds team members together Respect: “You can’t make the person feel important in your presence if you secretly feel that he is nobody.” Shared Experiences: Common suffering creates a common bond bur Common success creates a common lifestyle.   Trust: To be trusted is a greater compliment than to be loved. Without trust, you cannot sustain any kind of relationship.   Reciprocity: Ask you teammates about their hopes, desires, and goals. Show them that you care. Mutual Enjoyment: Nothing will give you greater satisfaction or bring you more happiness than becoming a highly relational person.   #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together   2020 will be Different   Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU   and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS ...

Greatness 101: It’s the Pinnacle!

  How do you want to be remembered??? What is your legacy??? Lifetime of proven leadership will allow us to sit at Level 5 and reap the rewards. Pinnacle 👑 🔑 Your followers are loyal. 🔑 You have spent years mentoring and molding leaders. 🔑 You become a consultant and are sought out by others. 🔑 Your greatest joy comes from watching others grow & develop.   🔑 You transcend the organization.   #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together   2020 will be Different   Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU   and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS Text me after you watch🙏🏿 HOW TO ENROLL 1⃣ Go to 2⃣ Click HFX   $235 one time   3⃣ Scroll all the way to bottom   👉🏿No Add On’s   4⃣ Enter your inform...

Greatness 101: What Have You Done For Me?

  A leader is great not because of his or her power, but because of his or her ability to empower others. Success without a successor is failure. You win people’e heart by helping them grow personally. Level 2: The follower loves the Leader Level 3: The follower admires the Leader Level 4: The follower is loyal to the Leader 🔑 Realize that people are your most valuable asset. 🔑 Place a priority on developing people. 🔑 Be a model for others to follow. 🔑 Pour your leadership efforts into the top 20 percent of your people. 🔑 Expose key leaders to growth opportunities.   #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together   2020 will be Different   Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU   and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS Text me after you watch🙏🏿 HOW TO ENROLL 1⃣ Go to https://im.a...

Greatness 101: You Have Permission

  Leadership is getting people to work with you when they are not obligated. Leadership begins with the heart and not the head. People who are unable to build solid, lasting relationships will soon discover that they are unable to sustain long, effective relationships. You can love people without leading them, but you cannot lead people without loving them. Possess a genuine love for people. Make those who work with you more successful. See through other people’s eyes. Love people more that procedures. Include others in your journey. Deal wisely with difficult people. #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together 2020 will be Different Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS Text me after you watch🙏🏿 HOW TO ENROLL 1⃣ Go to

Greatness 101: Those Without Vision

  Where there is no Vision, the people perish…Proverbs 29:18 Vision is everything for a leader. It paints the target. If fuels the fire. It pushes you forward. VISION LEADS THE LEADER. Vision Starts Within If you lack vision, look inside yourself. What are your natural gifts and desires? Visions Draws on Your History Mentality…Me…Men…Mental…Tality Vision Meets Others’ Needs True Vision is far reaching. If your vision doesn’t serve others, it’s probably too small. Vision Helps You Gather Resources Casting the Vision acts like a magnet that will attract, challenge, and unite people. #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together 2020 will be Different Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS Text me after you watch🙏🏿 HOW TO ENROLL 1⃣ Go to

Greatness 101: How you do anything is How you do everything

Trust is the foundation of leadership. 3 Qualities a Leader Must Exemplify Competence 🤓 Connection 🤝 Character 😃 Character communicates Consistency “You can’t get too much done in life if you only work on the days you feel good” Jerry West Character communicates Potential No man can climb out beyond the limitations of his own character. Character communicates Respect No leader can break trust with his people and expect to keep the same level of influence with them. Trust is the foundation of leadership. #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together 2020 will be Different Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS Text me after you watch🙏🏿 HOW TO ENROLL 1⃣ Go to 2⃣ Click HFX $235 one time ...

Greatness 101: 80/20 Rule

Success it the progressive realization of a worthy ideal!   The discipline to prioritize and the ability to work towards a stated goal are essential to a leaders success.   The Pareto Principle: The 80/20 Rule Top 20 percent of you priorities will give you 80 percent of your production.   As leaders we must: Determine which people in our organization make up the top 20 percent. Spend 80 percent of your “people time” with the top 20 percent. Spend 80 percent of your personal development dollars on the top 20 percent. Ask the top 20 percent to identify and train their top 20 percent. We teach what we know; we reproduce what we are!   #StandingInMyGreatness #BusinessGainz #ThisGrindisPersonal Lets work together   2020 will be Different   Here’s some information: H.U.S.T.L.E. The American Dream ME doing a live Webinar FOR YOU   and then this Shows you how powerful our PRODUCT IS