People who think they know everything are a great annoyance to those of us who do lol...Lighten Up! Entrepreneurship is suppose to be freeing and joyful. It is OK to have fun along the journey!
A Father is a Daughter's first Love A Father is a Son's first Hero Happy Father's Day to all the Great Fathers, Grandfathers, Step Fathers, and Father figures!!!
Your gift is for someone you have not met yet! Your job is to find who your gift is for! Be consistent! Looking to partner with motivated entrepreneurs!
Tabious L. Carter speak on a s.y.s.t.e.m. of Success! We must first decide what we want to BE then what we want to DO then what we will HAVE! Plant your seed of greatness and watch abundance return in your life! I Am A Leader of Leaders! (678) 856-5987
Tabious L. Carter speaks on the 12 P's of Life! Piss Poor Preparation Promotes Piss Poor Performance Piss Poor Performance Promotes Pain Let's make sure we are avoiding that pain by always being prepared!
Tabious L. Carter shares why he decided to partner with Unicity! Let's talk about how Unicity can help you (678) 856-5987 Franchise ID: 200934101
Steps to Achieving Your Goals Write it down (Index Cards) Put a date on it List obstacles Identify who you are working with Plan of action "Write the vision and make it plain, so those who read it may run" Gift for completion Does it FEEL natural